New book: Emotion in Multilingual Interaction
A new volume edited by Matt Prior and Gabi Kasper has just been released by John Benjamins. This collection of 12 chapters looks at how...

Learning to say grace
On November 28, 2015 Tim Greer presented data taken from around a dinner table at a homestay in Australia in which the hosts begin the...
Data session 24 Apr 2015
Matt Burdelski of Osaka University shared some recordings of classroom talk at our data session on April 24, 2015. The videos featured...

CA reading circle
Some of our members are getting together for a reading circle this semester. We are going through the Schegloff 2007 primer on sequence...

Nagoya retreat, 2014
Some of our members recently took part in a research retreat in Nagoya sponsored by the JALT Pragmatics SIG. Tim Greer and Eiko Yasui...