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Matt Burdelski shared data recorded in a Japanese-medium elementary classroom in the US.
— Temple University, 23 April, 2015
John Campbell-Larsen shared data taken from pairs of EFL learners talking during an English class.
— Temple University, 6 Dec 2014
Tim Greer and Eiko Yasui led a 2-day beginners' CA workshop in conjunction with the JALT Pragmatics SIG.
— Nanzan Gakuen Kenshu Center, Nagoya, 31 Aug - 1 Sept, 2014
Eight of us spent a couple of days working on Chris Leyland's ALT planning data in Hattoji and came up with the bones of two interesting collections involving embodied interaction and artifacts.
— Hattoji, 8-10 Aug, 2013
Adam Brandt and Chris Jenks led a two day retreat in Hattoji in conjunction with members of the JALT Pragmatics SIG.
— Hattoji, 8-10 Sept 2013
Adam Brandt and Chris Jenks presented on interactional competence in conjunction with the Osaka JALT chapter and the JALT Pragmatics SIG.
— Temple Univ Osaka, Sept 2013