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We will hold a party on the Saturday evening. There will be a separate fee for this event and you must indicate your intention to participate in the banquet when you register for the symposium.


​The symposium proceedings will be available online here.


The deadline for submitting a paper to the proceedings will be 31 March 2025.


We look forward to seeing you in May, 2025. The symposium will be held face-to-face at Pusan National University, South Korea. Please check back later for further details about the venue.

​Venue details


​Whether you are a presenter or a non-presenting participant, please complete this online form by April 30, 2025.


Payment can be made in person at the event. This registration fee is waived for full-time students.


The preliminary symposium schedule and abstracts will be available here

Please check your presentation time and plan accordingly. 

Download the proceedings papers before the symposium in lieu of paper handouts.


Site:               Eunseok Ro (Pusan National University)

Program:      Tim Greer (Kobe University)

Treasurer:     Eric Hauser

                            (University of Electro-Communications and

                              University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa)

​Proceedings: Eric Hauser



Photo by Iwy*

Come join us  

The Symposium on L2 Interaction invites participation from researchers and students interested in the micro-analysis of interaction involving second language users. 

Student travel scholarships

In order to help graduate students attend the symposium, we are offering scholarships of up to ¥10,000. Because funds are limited, we can only provide a few scholarships.


In order to qualify for a scholarship, you must:

  1. be enrolled as a student at the time of the symposium;

  2. not have a full-time salaried position, or multiple part-time positions;

  3. not be receiving travel support from other sources;

  4. be traveling to the symposium venue from another city; and

  5. be a presenting participant.


If you meet these qualifications and would like to apply for the scholarship, please email Tim Greer at by March 15, 2025.

Call for Papers

The call for papers for the 2025 symposium is now open. We invite proposals from anyone working on conversation analytic research in second language contexts. The deadline for submissions is 10 February 2025.



The symposium will feature data-based presentations of micro-analytic research on interaction involving L2 users, followed by open discussions among the presenters and participants.


In order to prioritize quality feedback and discussion, the number of presentations and the number of non-presenting participants will be limited.


This symposium is hosted by the Conversation Analysis Network-Asia (CAN-Asia) and co-sponsored by the CAN-Kansai and CAN-Kanto groups.

* This image was originally posted to Flickr by LWY at It was reviewed on 18 January 2008 by FlickreviewR and was confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the cc-by-2.0.

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