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if you are having trouble finding any of these publications.

Peer-reviewed articles

40. Greer, T. (In press). Recruitment during table-cooked meals: Foregrounding and backgrounding offers and acts of assistance within multi-party talk. East Asian Pragmatics,


39. Greer, T., & Nanbu, Z. (In press). Occasioning and re-occasioning learnables in a cooking class. Language, Interaction, and Acquisition.


38. Nanbu, Z. & Greer, T. (2024). Embodied mapping: Negotiating epistemic access during initial place reference. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 57(4), 345-371.

37. Greer, T. (2023). Grammar-in-Interaction and its place in assessing interactional competence. Applied Pragmatics, 5(2), 202-207. 10.1075/ap.00013.gre 


36. Greer, T. & Wagner, J. (2023). The interactional ecology of homestay experiences: Locating input within participation and membership. Second Language Research. 39(1), 85-111.

35. Nanbu, Z., & Greer, T. (2023). Creating obstacles to progressivity: Task expansion in second language role plays. TESOL Quarterly, 57(4), 1364-1400.

34. Amar, C., Nanbu, Z., & Greer, T. (2022). Proffering absurd candidate formulations in the pursuit of progressivity. Classroom Discourse, 13(3), 264-292.  DOI: 10.1080/19463014.2020.1798259

33. Greer, T., & Nanbu, Z. (2022). Visualizing emergent turn construction: Seeing writing while speaking. Modern Language Journal, 106(S1), 69-88.

32. Greer, T. (2022). Multimodal action formation in second language talk: Japanese speakers' use of the gassho gesture in English apology sequencesSocial Interaction: Video-based Studies of Human Sociality 5(1). DOI: 10.7146/si.v5i2.130868 

31. Greer, T. & Leyland, C. (2020). Inscribed objects as resources for achieving progressivity in lesson planning talk. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice,14(2), 200-229.

30. Sandlund, E., & Greer, T. (2020). How do raters understand rubrics for assessing L2 interactional engagement? A comparative study of CA- and non-CA-formulated performance descriptors. Papers in Language Testing and Assessment, 9(1), 132-166.

29. Greer, T. (2019). Initiating and delivering news-of-the-day tellings: Interactional competence as joint development. Journal of Pragmatics. 146, 150-164.

28. Greer, T. (2018). “And boys wore gakuran”: Mot juste formulations as recalibration repair in bilingual interaction. Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism, 24(1), 26-47.

27. Greer, T. (2018). Learning to say grace. Social Interaction: Video-bases Studies of Human Sociality 1(1). DOI:

26. Greer, T. & Leyland, C. (2018). Naming an activity: Arriving at recognitionals in team-teacher planning talk. Journal of Pragmatics, 126, 52-67.

25. Greer, T. (2016). Learner initiative in action: Post-expansion sequences in a novice ESL survey interview task. Linguistics and Education 35, 78-87. doi: 10.1016/j.linged.2016.06.004

24. Leyland, C., Greer, T., & Rettig-Miki, E. (2016). Dropping the devil's advocate: One novice language tester's shifting interactional practices across a series of speaking tests. Classroom Discourse, 7(1), 85-100.

23. Greer, T. (2015). Appealing to a broker: Initiating third-person repair in mundane second language interaction. Novitas ROYAL 9(1), 1-14.

22. Sasuga, M. & Greer, T. (2014). Forward-oriented medium repair in Japanese/English bilingual interaction. Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism 20(1), 1-16.

21. Greer, T. (2014). Designing an interaction-centered language classroom. OnCUE Journal 7(1), 40-46.

20. Greer, T., Brandt, A., and Ogawa, Y. (2013). Identity in intercultural interaction: How categories do things. In R. Chartrand, G. Rooks, M. Porter, & M. Grogan (Eds.), The 2013 PanSIG Proceedings (pp.155-164). Nagoya, Japan: JALT.

19. Greer, T. (2013). Establishing a pattern of dual-receptive language alternation: Insights from a series of successive haircuts. Australian Journal of Communication 40 (2), 47-61.

18. Greer, T. (2013). Word search sequences in bilingual interaction: Codeswitching and embodied orientation toward shifting participant constellations. Journal of Pragmatics 57, 100-117.

17. Greer, T. (2013). Scandinavian bilingual and L2 interaction: A view from afar. International Journal of Bilingualism 17(2), 237-244.

16. Greer, T. (2012). Accomplishing multiethnic identity in mundane talk: Half Japanese teenagers at an international school. Pragmatics 22(3), 371-390.

15. Greer, T. (2010). Identity in interculturality: Using (lack of) cultural knowledge to disalign with an identity category. The Language​ Teacher 34 (3), 3-8.

14. Greer, T., Bussinguer, V., Butterfield, J., & Mischinger, A. (2009). Receipt through repetition JALT Journal 31(1), 5-34.

13. Greer, T., & Yamauchi, M. (2008). Pronunciation tasks for academic study skills. In K. Bradford- Watts (Ed.), JALT2007 Conference Proceedings. Tokyo: JALT.​

- This paper was also featured in The Language Teacher 32(10), 5-6.

12. Greer, T., (2008). Accomplishing Difference in Bilingual Interaction: Translation as Backwards- oriented Medium-repair. Multilingua 27, 99-127.

11. Greer, T. and Potter, H. (2008). Turn-taking practices in multi-party EFL oral proficiency tests. Journal of Applied​ Linguistics 5(3) 297-320.

10. Greer, T. (2005). The multiethnic paradox: Towards a fluid notion of being 'haafu'  Japan Journal of Multilingualism and​ Multiculturalism, 11(1), 1-18.

9. Hosoda, Y. Kasper, G., Greer, T., Barrows, J., Charlebois, J., (2005). Applying  conversation analysis to nonnative and bilingual talk. In K. Bradford- Watts, C. Ikeguchi & M. Swanson (Eds.) JALT Conference  Proceedings Tokyo: JALT.

8. Greer, T., Kamada, L. Ascough, T., Shi,  J. (2005). Four studies into multi-ethnic identity in Japan. In K. Bradford- Watts. C. Ikeguchi & M. Swanson (Eds.) JALT ​Conference Proceedings Tokyo: JALT.

7. Greer, T. (2004). A Quick Way to Improve /r/ and /l/ Pronunciation. The Internet TESL​ Journal, Vol. X, No. 8, August.

6. Greer, T. (2004) Using Self Appraisal to assess a disparate group of learners. The​ Language Teacher 28(4).

5. Greer, T. (2003). Transcription approaches to multilingual discourse analysis. Proceedings of the Kyoto JALT Pan-SIG​ conference, Kyoto, Japan.

4. Greer, T. (2003). Multiethnic Japanese Identity: An applied conversation analysis. Japan Journal of Multilingualism and​  Multiculturalism, 9(1), 1-23.

3. Greer, T. (2003). Co-constructing Identity: The use of 'haafu' by a group of bilingual  multi-ethnic Japanese teenagers. Proceedings of the 4th International​  Symposium on Bilingualism, Arizona State University.

2. Greer, T. (2001). “Half, Double or Somewhere In-between? Multi-faceted identities among biracial Japanese” in Japan​ Journal of Multilingualism and​ Multiculturalism, 7(1), 1-17.


1. Greer, T. (2001). "What Should I Call You?": Self-applied and Other-applied referents for biracial Japanese. JALT Hokkaido​ Proceedings, 29-36.


Edited volumes

7. Burdelski, M. & Greer, T.  (Eds.). (forthcoming) The Routledge

handbook of conversation analysis. Routledge.

6. Greer, T., Ishida, M., & Tateyama, Y.  (Eds.). (2017). Interactional

competence in Japanese as an additional language. Honolulu, HI:

National Foreign Language Resource Center.

5. Greer, T., (Ed.). (2017). Japan Journal of Multilingualism and

Multiculturalism Vol. 23.


4. Greer, T., D. Tatsuki & C. Roever (Eds.). (2013). Pragmatics and

language learning Vol. 13. Honolulu, HI: National Foreign

Language Resource Center.

3. Greer, T., (Ed.), (2010). Observing Talk: ​Conversation Analytic

Studies  into Second Language Interaction. Tokyo: JALT Pragmatics


2. Greer, T., & Ikeda,K.  (Eds.) (2010). Special issue on Discourse

and Identity in Second Language Contexts The ​Language Teacher

May/June 34(3).

1. Greer, T. (Ed.). (2007-2011). Japan Journal of Multilingualism

and Multiculturalism Vols. 13-17.


In-house publications

9. Greer, T. (2020). Using a conversation analytic exemplar-based rubric to assess engagement. Journal of School of Languages and Communication, Kobe University, Vol. 16. 1-24.

8. Greer, T. (2013). Some multimodal constraints on L2 use in client-hairdresser talk. Journal of School of Languages and Communication, Kobe University, Vol. 10. 44-58.


7. Greer, T., Perry, B., Vannieu, B. (2009). Improving Second Language Classes through the Use of Student Assistants In Journal of School of Languages and Communication, Kobe University, Vol. 5.


6. Greer, T. (2009). Kobe University's Short-term Overseas Study Tours: Looking back, looking forward In Journal of School of​ Languages and Communication, Kobe University, Vol. 5.

5. Greer, T. (2007). "I don't trust you but could you put it like this?" Accomplishing (non)nativeness in bilingual interaction. Journal of School of ​ Languages and Communication,​ Kobe University, Vol. 4, 17-38.

4. Greer, T., Usui, Y. Kato, T., Taniguchi, H., Bussinguer S. Andrade, V. (2005). Suppressing Laughter in the display of (dis)affiliation. Journal of School of Languages and Communication, Kobe University, 2. 27-42.

3. Greer, T. (2003). Socio-interactional approaches to understanding codeswitching. The Northern Review, 31, 13-28.

2. Greer, T. (2001). Authentic or Contrived? An analysis of the rhetorical discourse features evident in written texts used in a beginning ESL class. The Journal of Otaru Junior College, XXX, 15-28.

1. Greer, T. (2000). Bilingual Education Programs: A comparison of three classroom models. The Journal of Otaru Junior ​College, XXIX, 27-37.


​Conference proceedings (non-peer reviewed)

4. Greer, T. (2022). Teaching assistants as interactional mediatorsProceedings of the 5th Annual CAN Asia Symposium on L2 Talk. 14-15 May, 2021, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan.

3. Amar, C., & Greer, T. (2022). "I don't know word": How L2 learners recruit assistance to overcome reading difficulties. Proceedings of the 5th Annual CAN Asia Symposium on L2 Talk. 14-15 May, 2021, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan.

2. Nanbu, Z. & Greer, T. (2021). "So canoe": On the expert deployment of minimal resources. Proceedings of the 4th Annual CAN Asia Symposium on L2 Talk. 24-28 March, 2021, online.


1. Greer, T. (2009). Language alternation and medium-repair among novice speakers of English. Paper presented at the Korean Association of English 2009 International Conference, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.


Newsletter articles

3. Greer, T., (2014). I stuck a file. Please check my drafts: Politeness in student email messages Pragmatics Matters.

2. Greer, T., (2013). Collecting and transcribing CA data. Pragmatics Matters, 40(Winter), 8-16.

1. Greer, T., (2002). Switching languages for our son. Bilingual Japan.


Non-academic articles

4. Greer, T., (2006). Naming Bilingual Children in Japan. In Peter Gray (Ed.) Monographs on ​Bilingualism No. 12. Tokyo: JALT Bilingualism SIG

3. Greer, T., (2001). Australia in Color Wide Eigo Hyaka: ​The English Odyssey Tokyo: Taishukan. (in Japanese).


2. Greer, T., (2001). New Zealand in Color Wide Eigo​ Hyaka: The English Odyssey Tokyo: Taishukan. (in Japanese).

1. Greer, T., (1999). Katakana: Discrimination built into the Japanese language. In Hiragana Times Vol. 155 (Sept): pp 28-29 (in Japanese and English).

Book sections

16. Greer, T. (2022). Dealing with disaligned and misaligned recipiency: Storytelling in homestay contexts. In Fillipi, A., Ta, B. T. & Theobald, M. (Eds.) Storytelling practices in learning environments: Conversation analytical studies of home and educational contexts (pp. 337-374). Springer.


15. Greer, T. & Ogawa, Y. (2021). Managing peripheral recipiency in triadic multilingual storytelling. In J. Wong, & H. Z. Waring (Eds.). Storytelling in multilingual interaction: A conversation analysis perspective (pp. 55-81). Routledge.

14. Greer, T. & Nanbu, Z. (2020). General and explicit test prompts: Some consequences for topic management in paired EFL discussion tests. In C. Lee (Ed.). Second language pragmatics and English language education in East Asia (pp. 194-234). Routledge.

13. Greer, T. (2019). Noticing words in the wild. In J. Hellermann, S. Eskildsen, & S. Pekarek Doehler & A. Piirainen Marsh (Eds.). Conversation analytic research on learning-in-action: The complex ecology of L2 interaction in the wild (pp. 131-158). Dordrecht: Springer.

12. Greer, T. (2019). Closing up testing: Interactional orientation to a timer during a paired EFL proficiency test. In H. T. Nguyen & T. Malabarba (Eds.) Conversation Analytic Perspectives on English Language Learning, Teaching and Testing in Global Contexts (pp. 159-190). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.

11. Greer, T. (2017). L1 speaker turn design and emergent familiarity in second language Japanese interaction. In T. Greer, M. Ishida, & Y. Tateyama (Eds.) Interactional competence in Japanese as an additional language. (pp. 369-407). Honolulu, HI: National Foreign Language Resource Center.

10. Greer, T., Ishida, M., & T. Tateyama, T. (2017). Interactional competence in Japanese as an additional language: An overview. In T. Greer, M. Ishida, & Y. Tateyama (Eds.) Interactional competence in Japanese as an additional language (pp. 1-15). Honolulu, HI: National Foreign Language Resource Center.

9. Greer, T. (2017).  This kid's a hafu: Accomplishing multiethnic identity through reported ascriptions. In D. Williams (Ed.) Hapa Japan​: Identities and Representations (Vol. 2). (pp. 87-101). Los Angeles, CA: Kaya Press.

8. Greer, T. (2016). Multiple involvements in Interactional Repair: Using smartphones in peer culture to augment lingua franca English​. In M. Theobald (Ed.) Friendship and peer culture in multilingual settings. (pp. 197-229). Bingley, UK: Emerald.


7. Greer, T., (2016). On doing Japanese awe in English talk. in G. Kasper & M. Prior (Eds.) Emotion in Multilingual Settings. (pp. 111-130). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

6. Okada, Y. & Greer, T. (2013). Pursuing a relevant response in OPI  roleplays. In S. Ross & G. Kasper (Eds.)  Pragmatics and Language Testing (pp. 294-316). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

5. Greer, T. (2012). The what? Clarifying meaning with partial-repeat WH questions. In J. Ronald, C. Rinnert & T. Knight (Eds.). Pragtivities: Bringing pragmatics into second language classrooms.Tokyo: JALT Pragmatics SIG.

4. Greer, T. (2010). Introduction. In T. Greer (Ed.) Observing Talk: Conversation Analytic Studies into Second Language Interaction (pp. 2-6). Tokyo: JALT Pragmatics SIG.

3. Greer, T. (2010). Switching Languages, Juggling Identities: A sequence of multilingual, multi-party talk in G. Kasper et al  (Eds.) Pragmatics and Language Learning Vol. 12. pp. 41-63. Honolulu, HI: National Foreign Language Resource Center.

2. Greer, T. (2001). Dangerous English: Swearwords, taboo language and the EFL learner.  In M. Irwin (Ed.), The English You Didn't Learn in School. Sapporo: Hokkaido University Press.

1. Greer, T. (2000). Letter Chains: a first lesson in using web-based email. In K. Ryan (Ed.), Recipes for Wired Teachers. Tokyo:  JALT CALL SIG.

Doctoral Dissertation

Greer, T., (2007). Accomplishing identity in bilingual interaction: Codeswitching practices among a group of multiethnic Japanese teenagers. University of Southern Queensland, Australia.

Book reviews

4. Greer, T. (2023). Classroom-based conversation analytic research: Theoretical and applied perspectives on pedagogy (Silvia Kunitz, Numa Markee and Olcay Sert) in JALT Journal 45(1), 158-160.


3. Greer, T. (2011). Conversation analysis and second language pedagogy: A guide for ESL/EFL teachers (Jean Wong and Hansun Zhang Waring) in JALT Journal 33(2), 197-200.


2. Greer, T. (2009). Talk in two languages. (Joseph Gafaranga) in JALT Journal 31(1),121-123.

1. Greer, T. (2006). “Part Asian・100% Hapa” (Kip Fulbeck) in Japan Journal of Multilingualism ​and Multiculturalism 12(1), 103-105.


8. Stephen Ryan, Mary Goebel Noguchi, Tim Greer, Lachlan Jackson. (2019). Celebrating 25 years of the Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism. Japan Journal of Multilingualism and​  Multiculturalism, 25(1), 3-18.


7. Greer, T.、木原美恵子 (2013).「2012年度学術交流支援研究部門活動報告」 『神戸大学国際コミュニケーションセンター論集』第9号pp.55-64(神戸大学国際コミュニケーションセンター)

​6. Greer, T.、宇都健夫、木原美恵子 (2012).「2011年度学術交流支援研究部門活動報告」 『神戸大学国際コミュニケーションセンター論集』第8号pp.119-129(神戸大学国際コミュニケーションセンター

5.  Greer, T. (2011). A Report on PLL18: An international conference held at Kobe University in July 2010. Journal of the School of Languages and Communication, Kobe University, pp 51-56.

4. Greer, T. (2009).  PEP3指導の概要 in 総合大学における英語プレゼンテーション教育の結果と展望―神戸大学の取り組み―神戸大学国際コミュニケーションセンターpp. 72-81.


3. 村上正行・横川博一・Tim Greer・内田充 実・山内真理 (2007).「導入教育における英語スタディ・スキルズ育成のための教材設計・開発」日本教育工学会第22回全国大会講演論文集 pp247-248(2007年9月22日、早稲 田大学)


2. Greer, T. (2007).  “Ryugaku Shien WG” in Developing English Presentation Education for General Universities: The framework at Kobe University (総合大学における英語プレゼンテーション教育の発展-神戸大学の取り組み) A report prepared by the School of Languages and Communication, Kobe University.


1. Greer, T. (2006).  “Ryugaku Shien WG” in Potential for English Presentation Education for General Universities: The framework at Kobe University (総合大学における英語プレゼンテーション教育の可能性-神戸大学の取り組み) A report prepared by the School of Languages and Communication, Kobe University, pp 92-112.

Language learning resources

2. 2007. Crown Plus 2 Tokyo: Sanseido.


1. 2006. Crown Plus 1 Tokyo: Sanseido.



​2003.  “Japan’s Northern Wildlife: Four seasons in Rishishi, Rebun and the  Sarobetsu Wilderness” Directed and produced by HTB Television.


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