Tim Greer
Kobe University
2024. Giving directions in a virtual world: Resources for managing fragmented perception. 4th Conference on Discourse, Culture & Interaction (DCI-4), University of Queensland, Australia, 5-6 December.
2024. Cooking, offering and eating together: Foregrounding and backgrounding activity within multi-party talk, 7th CAN-Asia Symposium on L2 Interaction, Nanzan University, Nagoya, 18-19 May.
2024. Strong and weak displays of understanding and learning in mundane L2 talk. Thinking, Doing, Learning, University of Southern Denmark, 3-5 June.
2024. On materiality, morphability and ephemerality in L2 role-plays: Enlisting environmental objects and their mimed counterparts. 4th ICOP-L2 conference, University of Southern Denmark, 5-7 June. (with Eric Hauser and Zack Nanbu)
2024. Explicit grammar teaching moments in mundane L2 talk. 4th ICOP-L2 conference, University of Southern Denmark, 5-7 June.
2023. L2 sidebar talk and distributed perception in a virtual reality game. 6th CAN-Asia Symposium on L2 Interaction, Kyoto Women's University, Kyoto, 27-28 May.
2023. Marked re-occasionings of learnables in a cooking-for-learning context. In a panel on "Language-in-time approaches to interactional grammar and interbodied cooperative action in multilingual settings", AAAL 2023 Conference. Portland, USA. 18-21, March (with Zack Nanbu).
2022. Teaching assistants as interactional mediators. 5th CAN-Asia Symposium on L2 Interaction, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, 14-15 May.
2022. “I don't know word”: How L2 learners recruit assistance to address reading difficulties. 5th CAN-Asia Symposium on L2 Interaction, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, 14-15 May. (with Cheikhna Amar).
2021. Coaxing competence: "Feigned" non-understanding in roleplay interaction. AILA 2020 Congress, Groningen, The Netherlands, (online), 9-14 August.
2021. General and explicit test prompts: Their consequences for turn-taking and topic management in paired EFL discussion tests. AILA 2020 Congress, Groningen, The Netherlands, (online) 9-14 August. (with Zack Nanbu).
2021. Study abroad interactions in the life world. Verbal/Visual Interaction (MOVIN) conference. University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, (online) 24-26 June. (with Johannes Wagner).
2021. Visualizing turn construction: Seeing writing while speaking. International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) conference. Winterthur, Switzerland, (online), 28 June-2 July. (with Zack Nanbu).
2021. "So canoe": On the expert deployment of minimal linguistic resources. CAN-Asia Symposium on L2 Interaction, online, 27 March. (with Zack Nanbu)
2019. Using a conversation analytic exemplar-based rubric to assess engagement in a paired EFL test. At the 7th British Council New Directions in English Language Assessment, Pacifico, Yokohama, Japan. 8-9 December.
2019. Sequentiality, Contingency and responsiveness: A conversation analytic take on student engagement in EFL discussion test contexts. ALAA conference, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 25-27 November.
2019. Embodying gradations of knowledge in novice EFL conversation. 2nd ICOP-L2 conference, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden, 29-31 May (with Zack Nanbu).
2019. Operationalizing engagement: Evidence from test raters' deliberations. 2nd ICOP-L2 conference, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden, 29-31 May.
2019. Mapping understanding: Embodied action and place reference in second language interaction. 3rd CAN-Asia Symposium on L2 Interaction, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea, 24-26 May (with Zack Nanbu).
2019. "Rater understandings of rubrics for assessing L2 interactional competence: A comparative study of study of CA- and non-CA-formulated performance
descriptors." American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Atlanta, USA, March 11-15 (with Erica Sandlund).
2018. "Aligning, disaligning and misaligning with a telling". AIEMCA conference, Macau University, November 27-29.
2018. "Assessing engagement in EFL oral tests". JALT International conference, Shizuoka, Japan, November 25.
2018. "Wait, what?" (re)initiating repair on a trouble source. JALT International conference, Shizuoka, Japan, November 24.
2018. "Pre-emptive self-reformulation in homestay dinner-table talk". JALT Study Abroad SIG conference, Notre Dame Women's University, Kyoto, Japan, September 22.
2018. Closing up testing: Orientation to a timer during a paired EFL oral proficiency test. ICCA Conference, Loughborough, UK, July 12.
2018. Enlisting environmentally accessible objects to explain words. 2nd CAN-Asia Symposium on L2 Interaction, Kyoto, May 26-27.
2018. Explaining Japanese culture and language in a homestay context: A multimodal micro-longitudinal investigation. AAAL Conference, Chicago, March 24-27.
2017. Multiple involvements in test closings. JALT International Conference, Tsukuba, November 17-20.
2017. Shifting constellations in triadic L2 interaction. JALT International Conference, Tsukuba, November 17-20.
2017 "Initiating and delivering news of the day: Interactional competence as joint-development". IPrA, Belfast, 16-21 July.
2017 "Naming an activity: Arriving at recognitionals in team-teacher planning talk." CAN-Asia Symposium, Otsuma Women's University, Tokyo 27-28 May.
2017 "Learning to say grace: A micro-longitudinal study of interactional competences in a family-specific speech event in an invited panel at the ICOP L2 Conference,
Neuchatel University, Switzerland. 19 January.
2016 "Apologies and stakes in L2 interaction" in a panel on "Managing interest and stake in L2 interaction" at the JALT International conference, Nagoya. 25 November.
2016 "Learning to say grace" at the JALT International conference, Nagoya. 25 November.
2016 "Apologies in homestay contexts" at the JALT Study Abroad SIG conference, Lakeland University, Tokyo. 17 September.
2016 "Incorporating a written object into L2 talk: Lesson planning between team-teachers in Japanese schools" in the Pragmatics SIG Forum on Multimodal L2 Interaction at the JALT Pan SIG Conference, Meio University, Okinawa, Japan. 21 May. (with Chris Leyland)
2016 "Multiple Involvements: Learners using smartphones" at the JALT Pan SIG Conference, Meio University, Okinawa, Japan. 22 May.
2015 "Turn design and emergent familiarity in L2 Japanese talk". Presented at the JALT national conference, Shizuoka, Japan, 21 November.
2015 "Progressing talk through joint focus of attention to a textual object: Topic shift in team teacher lesson planning meetings". Presented with Chris Leyland at the 5th International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy, 5-7 November.
2015 "Physical artifacts and ‘pre-enactment’ in team-teacher planning discussions" with Chris Leyland at the IIEMCA Conference, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding. 4-7 August.
2015 "Self-addressed receipt in forward-oriented repair" in a panel on Sequential Perspectives on Forward Oriented Repair, International Pragmatics Association (IPrA), Antwerp, Belgium. 26-31 July.
2015 "Abandoning repair" presented at the JALT PanSIG conference in Kobe on May 16.
2015 "Recalibration in bilingual interaction: Other-medium formulations as precision" presented at the AAAL Conference, Toronto, Canada. 21-25 March.
2015 "Stoking the fire: TA follow-up talk in group discussion tests" presented with Chris Leyland at the AAAL Conference, Toronto, Canada. 21-25 March.
2014 "Pre-enactment and the use of physical artifacts in pre-class planning discussions" at the Trends in Language Teaching Conference, Okinawa Christian University, Japan. 13 December. With Chris Leyland.
2014 "Integrating study abroad into an academic study skills program". Study Abroad SIG Mini Conference at Task Based Learning and Teaching in Asia 2014, Osaka, 17-18 May. With Marian Wang & Greg Sholdt.
2014 "The interactional occasioning of an opportunity for language learning". Kansai University CA Workshop, Osaka, 18 March.
2014 "Noticing as an orientation to language learning in naturally occuring L2 interaction" 16th Temple University Applied Linguistics Colloquium, Osaka, 9 February.
2012 "Negotiating language from the barber's chair" Australian Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis, Brisbane, 30 November.
2012 "Collecting and transcribing CA data" JALT International conference,
Hamamatsu, 14 Oct.
2012 "On doing Japanese awe in English talk". 19th Sociolinguistics Symposium,
Berlin, August 24.
2012 "Deviating from the script: Follow-up turns in L2 talk" Presented at Brown Bag lunchtime presentation series, Dept. Second Language Studies, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 5 April.
2011 "Incorporating CA into an interaction awareness task" Presented at
International JALT Conference, Tokyo, 19 November.
2011 "Accomplishing Multiethnic Identity in Mundane Talk" Presented at
Mixed Roots Forum, Osaka University, 7 July.
2011 "Socially-accomplishing “awe” in a second language" Presented at
International Pragmatics Association, Manchester UK, 5 July.
2011 "Deviating from the script: Follow-up turns in L2 talk" Presented at JALT
Pan-SIG conference, Shinshu University, 21 May.
2011 "Socially Accomplishing "Awe" in L2 Talk" Presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistics Conference, Chicago, USA, March 26.
2010 "Establishing reference in L2 interaction" Presented at the Japan Association for Language Teaching International Conference, Nagoya, Japan, November 21.
2010 “Oh or awe? An interactional practice for doing being impressed” Presented at
the 2nd L2Talk Workshop, Yokohama, March 24.
2009 "Codeswitching and Medium-repair among Novice Speakers of English" at Korean Association of Language Teachers (KATE) Conference, Seoul, Korea. July 3-4.
2009 "Interaction in Bilingual Communities" Presented at Kobe JALT Chapter Bilingual Forum. May 23.
2008 “Pivots and rounds. Turn-taking practices in small-group oral proficiency tests"
Presented at the Second Language Research Forum. University of Hawai’i, USA,
October 18.
2008 "Testness in Talk: Turn-taking Practices among EFL Learners during Oral
Proficiency Tests" Presented at the Japan Association for Language Teaching
PanSIG Conference, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan, May 10.
2008 "This kid's a haafu: Accomplishing multiethnic identity through reported ascriptions" Presented at TUJ Applied Linguistics Colloquium, Temple University,
Tokyo, Japan, February 10.
2007 “Receipt Through Repetition”. Presented at the Japan Association for Language Teaching International Conference, Tokyo, Japan, November 24.
2007 “Pronunciation Tasks for Academic Study Skills”. Presented at the Japan Association for Language Teaching International Conference, Tokyo, Japan, November 25.
2007 "I don’t trust you but could I put it like this?: Accomplishing (non)nativeness in
bilingual interaction" at 10th International Pragmatics Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, July 10.
2007 “Switching Languages, Juggling Identities: A sequence of multilingual, multi-party talk” Presented at the 17th Pragmatics and Language Learning Conference, University of Hawai’i, USA, March 26.
2006 “Multiethnic Identity in Interaction: A CA perspective”. Presented in a forum on "Research approaches to bilingual and ethnic identity" at the Japan Association for Language Teaching International Conference, Kokura, Japan, November 4.
2006 “Suppressing Laughter in the Display of (Dis)afflitiation”. Presented at the Japan
Sociolinguistic Sciences, Hokkai Gakuen University, Hokkaido, Japan,
August 26.
2006 “Accomplishing Difference in Bilingual Interaction: Translation as backwards-
oriented medium repair”. Presented at the 16th Sociolinguistics Symposium,
Limerick University, Ireland, July 8.
2006 “Post-exclusionary Translation in Bilingual Interaction”. Presented at the Japan
Association for Language Teaching PanSIG Conference, Shimizu, Shizuoka,
Japan, May 13.
2005 “Institutionally Justifying an English-Only Policy”. Presented at the Japan Association for Language Teaching National Conference, Shizuoka, Japan, October 8.
2005 “Code-switching: Alternating between Japanese and English in bilingual
interaction." Invited lecture at the Okayama Chapter of JALT, Okayama, Japan, January 17.
2004 “Accomplishing Discursive Identity in Bilingual Interaction”. Presented in a colloquium on "Applying Conversation Analysis to Nonnative and Bilingual Talk" at the Japan Association for Language Teaching National Conference, Nara, Japan, November 20.
2004 “Multi-ethnic Identity in an International School”. Presented in the Multi-ethnic Identity colloquium at the Japan Association for Language Teaching National Conference, Nara, Japan, November 21.
2004 “Adapting the Doman Method with PowerPoint”. Presented in a colloquium on "Innovative uses of Technology in Bilingual Education"at the Japan Association for Language Teaching National Conference, Nara, Japan, November 20.
2004 “Stylized Japanese English among Multiethnic Japanese”. Presented at TUJ Applied Linguistics Colloquium, Temple University, Tokyo, Japan, February 15.
2003 “Using Peer-reviewed Group Portfolios for Speaking”. Poster presentation at Japan Association for Language Teaching National Conference, Shizuoka, Japan, November 22.
2003 “Ways Multi-ethnic Japanese teenagers discursively index cultural Identity”.
Presented at JALT Hokkaido Conference, Sapporo, Japan, November 9.
2003 “Multi-ethnic Identity and an English-only Policy at an International School”.
Presented at The First International Conference on Pedagogy and Learning, University of Southern Queensland, Australia, October 2.
2003 “Multi-ethnic Japanese Teenagers: bilingual conversation and identity”. Presented at The JALT Hokkaido Forum on Bilingualism, Sapporo, Japan, June 14.
2003 “Transcription Approaches to Multi-lingual Discourse Analysis”. Poster presentation at The Kyoto JALT Pan-SIG conference, Kyoto, Japan, May 10.
2003 “Co-constructing Identity: The use of ‘haafu’ by a group of bilingual multi-ethnic Japanese teenagers” . Presented at The 4th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Arizona University USA, May 2.
2003 “Conversation Analysis and the Co-construction of Identity”. Presented at the Research Collective on Ethnomethodology, Hokkaido University Japan, April, 12.
2002 “Multicultural Japan”. Presented at Hokkaido University Summer School,
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, July 5.May 12.
2002 “Half or Double? Chosen and Ascribed Referents for ‘Biracial’ Japanese”. Presented at The Bilingual Development Forum, Kyoto, Japan, May 12.
2001 “Biracial Identity: Second Language, Third Culture”. Presented at Japan Association for Language Teaching National Conference, Kitakyushu, Japan, November 23.
2001 “Dangerous English”. Presented at public lecture series: The English You Didn’t Learn in School Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, June 13.
1999 “The Future of Japan's Junior Colleges: Ronin, Ritual Men and Collaborative
Individualism”. Presented as an online seminar conducted in conjunction with
the University of Southern Queensland, November 22-26.
2025. Participation, Membership and Interactional Competence. JACET関西支部 会話分析研究会主催公開講演会, オンライン, 18 February.
Plenaries and invited talks
2023. Collaboratively imagining what another is seeing: L2 sidebar talk in a virtual reality game, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 25 May. (Invited speaker).
2023. Tokyo Global Gateway and the effectiveness of experience-based learning, 19th International Session of the Transcultural Management Society, Online, 12 May. (with Motoko Nagao) (Invited speaker).
2022. Participation on the periphery. ICOP-L2. Barcelona, Spain, 8-10 September. (Keynote speaker).
2022. Conversation Analysis (CA)-informed language assessment: Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University Sokla, Thailand, 19 February . (Invited speaker).
2022. Designing Obstacles to Progressivity.
Bristol Centre for Linguistics, University of the West of England, 9 February. (Invited speaker).
2022. Conversation Analysis: How can it help with English language teaching? Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University Sokla, Thailand, 9 January, 19 February. (Invited speaker).
2019. "The ecology of explaining". Keynote speech at the Thinking, Doing, Learning conference. University of Jyväskylä, Finland, June 17-19.
2017. "Enlisting environmentally available objects to explain words". Workshop on Language Learning in the Wild. Tampere University, Finland, 12-13 October.
2016 "Translating the international university to the local community." Invited talk at the UK-Japan Seminar on Intercultural Communication and International Universities, Newcastle University, UK. 5-6 September.
2015 "Doing bilinguality in interaction" at the JALT Hokkaido Understanding symposium on Bilingualism, Sapporo International Communication Plaza, Japan. 25 January.
2014 "Bilingual Identity in Interaction". Guest Lecture at The 10th Research Roundtable for Bilingualism as a First Language (BiL1) at Ritsumeikan University, Osaka. 19 October.
2012 "Interculturality in Interaction" Keynote address at the International
Conference on Research and Applications of Intercultural Communication. Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (ZUEL), Wuhan, Hubei, China. November 16-18.
2011 "Follow-up turns in L2 talk" Presented at Otaru University of Commerce, Hokkaido, 19 May.
2006 “Bilingual Interaction: How do they communicate in Japanese and English?”
Invited lecture at Okayama University, Okayama, Japan, January 17.
Panels and Symposia
2024. Grammar-in-L2-interaction: Temporality and linguistic structures among novice language users. 4th ICOP-L2 conference, University of Southern Denmark, 5-7 June. (co-organized with Simona Pekarek Doehler)
2023. "Placeholders, first tries and prospective indexicals: Lexically oriented repair sequences in Lingua Franca English", Language and Social Interaction in Asian Contexts. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam. 22-23 December.
2023. Occasioned enactments in L2 role-plays: Enlisting environmental objects and their mimed counterparts. In a panel on "Enriching the Wild: L2 interaction in virtual, augmented, and simulated settings". ICCA 2023. Brisbane, Australia. 26 June-2 July (with Zack Nanbu).
2023. "Language-in-time approaches to interactional grammar and interbodied cooperative action in multilingual settings", AAAL 2023 Conference. Portland, USA. 18-21, March.
2021. "The Complex Ecology of L2 Interactional Competence: Language, Body and the Material World". International Pragmatics Association, Winterthur, Switzerland (online), July 2.
2021. "Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics in foreign language learning: understanding what provides for 'competent' interaction". AILA, Groeningen, The Netherlands (online), August 19.
2018. "Understanding in L2 Interaction". JALT International conference, Shizuoka, November 23-26.
2017 "Bilingual parenting" at the JALT PanSIG conference, Akita International University, 21 May.
2017 "Longitudinal investigations into interactional competences". Invited panel at the ICOP L2 Conference, Neuchatel University, Switzerland. 18-20 January.
2014 "Talking borders into being: Multi-person repair in L2 talk" presented in a panel entitled "Conversation Analysis across borders". JALT International Conference, Tsukuba, 23 November.
2014 "Orienting to language learning in the wild: A multimodal analysis" presented in a panel on "Language learning in the wild". AAAL conference, Portland, 23 March.
2013 "Some multimodal constraints on L2 use in client-hairdresser talk" presented in a panel entitled "Beyond the classroom: L2 use in real contexts". JALT international conference, Kobe, 24 October.
2013 "Identity in interaction: How categories do things". Pan SIG conference, Nanzan University, Nagoya, 18 May.
2013 "Establishing a pattern of dual receptive language alternation: Insights from a series of successive haircuts". Conference on Thinking, doing, learning: Usage based perspectives on second language learning, University of Southern Denmark in Odense, Denmark, April 24-26.
2011 "Taking CA to the classroom" Panel held at JALT International Conference, Tokyo, 19 November.
2011 "Raising Bilingual Children in Japan". Panel at JALT Kobe Bilingualism Forum (Moderator and co-organizer). September 24.
2011 "From Research to Praxis: Taking Conversation Analysis into the Classroom" at 13th Temple University Japan Applied Linguistics Colloquium. February 13 (Panelist).
2009 "Towards Global Excellence in Foreign
Language Education: Technology and
Classroom Interaction" at Kobe University,
November 26. (Organizer and Chair).
2009 "e-Learning in Higher Education"
at Kobe University, Japan. January 31.
(Invited commentator).
2008 "Kobe University's Short-term Overseas Study Tour Programs: Looking back, looking forward" at Kobe University,
Japan. November 12. (Organizer).
2008 “Discourse Analysis and Identity”.
Held at the JALT International Conference, Tokyo, Japan, November 1.
2004 “Accomplishing Discursive Identity in
Bilingual Interaction”. Presented in a
colloquium on "Applying Conversation
Analysis to Nonnative and Bilingual Talk" at the JALT International Conference, Nara, Japan, November 20.
2022. Creating gifs to augment your transcripts. 5th CAN-Asia Symposium on L2 Interaction, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, 14-15 May.
2017 英語論文の基礎構造
神戸大学図書館「学術英語スキルアップセミナー」2017年2月15日(水) 13:20-16:20
2014 "JALT Pragmatics SIG Conversation Analysis Retreat". Workshop held at Nanzan Gakuen Kenshu Center, Nagoya, 30 August-1 September. JALT Pragmatics SIG.
2014 "L2Talk3 Retreat". held at Hattoji Sanso, Okayama, 8-10 August. CAN-Kansai.
2014 "An introduction to conversation analysis: Making sense of talk". Invited workshop held 21 June at Hokusei Gakuen University, Sapporo. JALT Hokkaido.
2013 "Using iPads in the Language Classroom", Kobe University, 15 March.
2009 "The Joy of Action Research: Goal, Principles, Methods" (with Greg Sholdt) at Osaka JALT, December 13.
2008 "Observing Talk: How to hold a CA data
session" at PAC7 at JALT2008 Conference,
Tokyo, Japan. November 3.
2008 "Managing reading circles with Moodle" at Foreign language education and Moodle: Practical applications workshop. Kobe University February 7.
2007 "L2Talk" workshop with Dr. Rod Gardner, Kobe University, February 5-8. (Organizer).
2005 "Using Transana software" at Temple
University Japan (Osaka campus) June 21.