Next data session
Date: Saturday, 20 April, 2024
Time: 2:00 pm~5:00 pm
Place: Kyoto Women's University
Data provider: Tim Greer & Adam Brandt
Contact Tim Greer by email if you are going to participate.
An English data session for
CA researchers in Japan

We are a group of Conversation Analysis (CA) researchers living and working in the Kansai region of Japan, mostly in Osaka, Kobe and Kyoto. Our group has been meeting monthly for nearly ten years. Our main aim is to hone our analytic skills by looking at video recordings of natural interaction and sharing our observations about the sorts of things we see happening in the talk. You don't have to be an expert to join us, but you should be interested in researching interaction and you should be familiar with some of the basic CA research.
The data sessions are usually conducted in English, but they are not English lessons, so you need to be comfortable with your ability to communicate if English is not your first language.
The sort of data we are interested in

Since many of us are language teachers, our group has a strong focus on second language interaction, especially among Japanese learners of English. But we don't just look at classroom data; we are also interested in language use in everyday situations outside of school, such as in homestays, hairdressers or cafeterias.
We don't come to a data session with any firm findings in mind. Instead we aim to approach the data from the grounded principle of 'unmotivated looking' and to learn from each other by sharing our observations on the talk.
We usually spend three hours talking about less than 60 seconds of talk, so yeah, I guess you could say we are into the micro-details.
In The News
CAN-Asia Symposium
The seventh CAN-Asia Symposium on L2 Interaction will be held in Nagoya, Japan on 18-19 May, 2024. This event is an intentionally small venue for disseminating CA findings on second language talk. We are particularly accommodating to students and novice CA researchers. The proceedings papers and schedule are available at the symposium website.
SWELL project
Some of our members are currently involved in a JSPS grant project on Simulating the Wild through Experiential Language Learning (SWELL). We have been analyzing L2 English data from cooking classes, VR games and an innovative language institution that features realistic role-play settings.
Some of our recent publications
Interpersonal touch in guided walking: Socialization to be pedestrians in Japan
Creating obstacles to progressivity: Task expansion in second language roleplays
Initiating and delivering news-of-the-day tellings: Interactional competence as joint development. Journal of Pragmatics. 146, 150-164.
“Do you know banana boat?”: Occasioning overt knowledge negotiations in Japanese EFL conversation
— Matthew Burdelski (2023)
— Zachary Nanbu,
Tim Greer (2023)
— Tim Greer (2019)
— Zack Nanbu (2020)