​Research outcomes
We have been presenting our findings at national and international conferences.

2024.12.6. Tim Greer, Adam Brandt and Zack Nanbu. Giving directions in a virtual world: Resources for managing fragmented perception. 4th Conference on Discourse, Culture & Interaction, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia 5-6 December.
2024.6.6. Zack Nanbu, Tim Greer and Eric Hauser. On materiality, morphability and ephemerality in L2 role-plays: Enlisting environmental objects and their mimed counterparts. 4th ICOP-L2 conference, University of Southern Denmark, 5-7 June.
2024.5.19. Rue Burch. Multiactivity and multi-orientation in additional language cooking classes. 7th CAN-Asia Symposium on L2 Interaction, Nanzan University, Nagoya, 18-19 May.
2023.7.2. Zachary Nanbu. Managing co-presence during a virtual reality English class. International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA), Brisbane, Australia, 26 June-2 July.
2023.7.2. Tim Greer and Zachary Nanbu. Occasioned enactments in L2 role-plays: Enlisting environmental objects and their mimed counterparts. International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA), Brisbane, Australia, 26 June-2 July.
2023.6.30. Eric Hauser. Turn allocation for team-building in an educational context. International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA), Brisbane, Australia, 26 June-2 July.
2023.6.30. Rue Burch. Managing co-presence during a virtual reality English class. International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA), Brisbane, Australia, 26 June-2 July.
2023.5.28. Eric Hauser. Displaying members' knowledge: Doing being a knowledgeable resident of Japan. 6th CAN-Asia Symposium on L2 Interaction, Kyoto Women's University, Kyoto, 27-28 May.
2023.5.27. Tim Greer. L2 sidebar talk and distributed perception in a virtual reality game. 6th CAN-Asia Symposium on L2 Interaction, Kyoto Women's University, Kyoto, 27-28 May.
2022.9.9. Cheikhna Amar and Eric Hauser. Competence to participate: Student gaze shift and orientation to being selected. L2 Interactional Competences and Practices in a Second Language (ICOP-L2), Barcelona, Spain, 7-9 September.
2022.9.9. Tim Greer. Participation on the periphery. (Keynote address). L2 Interactional Competences and Practices in a Second Language (ICOP-L2), Barcelona, Spain, 7-9 September.
2022.9.9. Zachary Nanbu. Embodied list construction as a resource in L2 interaction. L2 Interactional Competences and Practices in a Second Language (ICOP-L2), Barcelona, Spain, 7-9 September.
2022.9.8. Eric Hauser and Zachary Nanbu. Two practices of address in student use of L2 English for initiating actions. L2 Interactional Competences and Practices in a Second Language (ICOP-L2), Barcelona, Spain, 7-9 September.
2022.9.8. Rue Burch. "This takes skill": Task engagement and orientation in a CLIL experiment. L2 Interactional Competences and Practices in a Second Language (ICOP-L2), Barcelona, Spain, 7-9 September.
2022.5.14. Cheikhna Amar and Tim Greer. "I don't know word": How L2 learners recruit assistances to address reading difficulties. 5th CAN-Asia Symposium on L2 Interaction, Sophia University, Tokyo, 14-15 May.
2022.5.14. Tim Greer. Teaching assistants as interactional mediators. 5th CAN-Asia Symposium on L2 Interaction, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, 14-15 May.
2022.5.14. Rue Burch. Catching goldfish: Shifting task understandings in a simulated CLIL classroom. 5th CAN-Asia Symposium on L2 Interaction, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, 14-15 May.
2022.5.14. Eric Hauser. Being the class clown: L2 incompetence as performance. 5th CAN-Asia Symposium on L2 Interaction, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, 14-15 May.
2022.5.14. Zachary Nanbu. "I got stepped on!" Participant orientations to proximity and space during a VR English class. 5th CAN-Asia Symposium on L2 Interaction, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, 14-15 May.
2021. Tim Greer. Coaxing competence: "Feigned" non-understanding in roleplay interaction. AILA 2020 Congress, Groningen, The Netherlands, 9-14 August.
2023.7. Tim Greer and Zachary Nanbu. Panel: Enriching the Wild: L2 interaction in virtual, augmented and simulated settings. ICCA 2023, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. 26 June -- 2 July.
2023.7. Eric Hauser and Rue Burch. Panel: Interaction in innovative institutional contexts. ICCA 2023, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. 26 June -- 2 July.
2023. Tim Greer and Zachary Nanbu. Panel: Language-in-time approaches to the study of interactional grammar in multilingual settings. John Hellermann, Søren Eskildsen (Panel conveners). AAAL 2023 Conference, Portland, OR, USA. 18-21 March.