The classroom is not the only place to learn a language. Many people learn it "in the wild" by interacting with people in the world around them. But in Japan, opportunities to experience English in everyday situations are rare, so one innovative institution has created a simulated environment where students can experience English in realistically reproduced settings, such as a pharmacy, a hotel or an airplane. Unlike the real world though, this approach provides learners with a sanctuary, a safe place to experiment and play with language without fearing actual consequences for their mistakes
As Conversation Analysts and language teachers, we are interested in the kind of interaction that goes on in this rather unique setting, and how it provides opportunities for learning that don't always exist in normal language classrooms.
We are also investigating experiential language learning in other settings, such as cooking classes, VR games and in mundane talk beyond the classroom.

The SWELL Project is sponsored by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
2020-2025. JSPS Grant-in-aid 20H01283 (Kiban B) Simulating the Wild through
Experiential Language Learning (Principal researcher: Tim Greer)